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getting cosy with your darkside

Getting cosey with your darkside, now what does that mean?

Well to me it represents the Ego, And getting cosy is a metophore of embracing and becoming more comfortable.

why would i say that you may ask?

well i believe we have been conditioned to fear our darkside/ego, to try to repress it and supress it and deny its existance. There is no such thing as right or wrong, good or bad, just differences, and these differences are created by our perceptions of which lead to concepts, and concepts lead to ideals. It is the ideals that shape our realities.

the cosier we get, the more we become balanced in our integrity. How?

I like to think of my darkside/ego as my brother, my freind, for it is forever warning me of my limitations and lacks and wants and needs. It shows me how to be a victim and dance to the songs of lifes woes and pitys. it nags and doubts and denys everything i do. WOW! now thats a true Guru and a real freind right there ( wink wink). To be be shown our flaws so we can fix or maintain. to be shown our limits gives us the oppotunity to become limitless. To be shown what we are lacking or needing is really showing that nothing is truly lacking or needing at all. The more that our ego starts acting up and doubting and denying, the more we get closer to our truthes and wonders. For our darkside is the director of all our fears, and it fear is LOVE and inner success. So the next time you are dancing to lifes woe and pity, and the worrying shadow starts to take over and over casts thy view. Remember its time to get cosy and embrace that eternal now, for there is always a choice, always an oposite, and that glorious oposite is LOVE.

For LOVE is the essence of Our soul and knows of no lack or limitations or failure.

Love is the director of bliss, and the truth be known " Love is all there truly is" <3 <3 <3

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