Nothing to lose...
There is nothing to truly lose unless you dont believe in gain. I see everything as a lesson, and lessons are of all polarities. So we...
Transcending Peace <3
We dont really find it, we become it by realizing the truth, that anything that is not of love is just a lesson into remembering it....
The Language of light ( their meanings)
below is a short list of some translations i have made from the |Language of light... Ma Ko Eh = to act Sue Eh = Transform In Ka La Yah...
I am a shard of divine light
to notice what is unseen, to hear what is not heard, to feel what cant be felt, to read what cant be spelt. To soar where others choose...
Child of the Universe
you are a child of the universe. No less than the moon and stars. you have the right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to year....
To Exist
Loving living to Exist. To find a reason, where reason does not live is to understand the significant of lifes true virtues. Once the...
Ikwa ( divine gratitude)
It is in IKWA ( divine gratitude) in which we surcumb to the self, forgiving of all things past and now. By dipping into the streams of...
We are the Shamans
We are all shamans/aclhemists constantly shaping and moulding our existance. Our very thoughts alone are seeds of miracles, When realized...
we sing the song of togetherness in the most tenderous of virtue. We chant we hollow the sacred names of self. We swim the seas and...
A warriors truth
The true warroir embraces his shadow like a lover embraces the heart of Another. Thier shield is No-more, for fear has transcendid and...