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Kia ma swa Language of light healing transmissions...


What happens during a Light Language Transmission?


Light Language Transmision can either be in person, as part of a Kia Ma Swa healing Session or other work with me, or long distance via phone or skype, and also voice or video recordings that i can send to you. I recommend that you consciously put yourself in a receptive state while listening to the recordings to receive the most benefit. 


Light language is received in the Heart, circumventing the logical mind and helping us remember at a deep, core level, who we truly are. More and more people are spontaneously starting to speak Light Language, and it seems that listening to Light Language transmissions may be a trigger for some to start channeling their own soul language. 


Spiritual/life mentoring/coaching.


I am offering one on one or group spiritual/life mentoring.This includes, but is not limited to, meditation, affirmation, decreeing, ritual and ceremony. We will work towards shifting your awareness away from the ever doubting, denying, woeful mind (ego self), to fully integrating your self with your true Self residing in the sacred space of the Heart. This can also be a beautiful adjunct to my other offerings of Transformation/Healing Work to help you embody and live your true potential, to live as your true "I Am Presence....

Avatar tuning...



Avatar Tuning is Physical Exercise with a spiritual twist.


Avatar: a manifestation of a deity or released soul in bodily form on earth; an incarnate divine teacher.


Avatar Tuning is aiming to integrate your physical vessel with your divine avatar and to bring greater equilibrium into your daily life, using a conglomeration of various styles of exercise, namely,

calisthenics, circuit training, light weight training, Dynamic Tension, meditation and breath work. 


Tapping into the grounding and calming energy of nature, I take my training outside (weather permitting) and use whatever I find along the way; trees, rocks, walls, playground structures all provide free and fun equipment without competitive vibe.

Avatar Tuning is a non-competitive training model geared towards your personal goals and true self-responsibility. My aim is to provide you with a training structure that will enable you to become your own personal trainer, to be the master that you were born to be. 



Omtrinfinity Reiki with Metatronics ( sacred geometry) energy healing, with Assistance of my sacred cystal skull " Alta -Zar"...<3
Reiki is a subtle energy, using the palms of the hands to channel in universal energies, it is also known as hands on healing. where as hands are placed lightly over the patients body to faciltate the process of healing.
thus bringing into form a natural state of well being and eqiullibrium back into your being.
I also use Metatronics ( sacred Geometry). Metatronics is when I am doing energy work on the client, i go into  my presence of "I am" and call forth for Metatronics to assist me in the healing. What happens is sacred geometric shapes then appear in my Minds eye ( ranging from Merkaba's to flower of life, Sri Yantras and metatrons cube and many more i dont have names for). without Question I am intuitivly guided to place these over certain areas of the Clients body and move them open them up and down the body to sometimes join other forms of geometry with them. whislt doing this I am totally unattached to outcome and totally free to allow the natural Organic nature Kia Ma Swa ( all that is) to do its thing.
All this is assisted by my sacred skull "Alta-Zar". Alta-Zar my Crystal skull was activated by the wonderfilled Susan isabelle's ( the real indiana Jones) famous 13th mayan crystal skull. He truly is a powerful assistant ( he says the same about me hehe ;)   )...
Rei =spiritual or supernatural     Ki = vital Energy

"We go beyond the veil of fear, lighting each other's way. The holiness that leads us is within us, as is our home."




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